I don't have a printer or a scanner or even a computer in my darkroom (deliberately trying to stick to all traditional "wet" work) but I am considering experimenting with printers to make enlarged negatives for alt process work. There is no way I'm spening more than $800 on a printer, and I don't want to use a second-hand one since I'm not sure what I'd be buying. I don't shoot color and don't print color either, so there would be no color printing. I don't want a printer that will require a lot of baby-ing -- if the nozzle clogs up regularly, I'm quite likley to kick it to a corner. I can make 11x14 enlarged negs the traditional way but was considering even larger digitally-created enlarged negs. Suggestions and recommendations for printers would be welcomed. Canon Pixma?

Edit: I got a v700 scanner so that's why I'm even considering this.

There are other threads on this but the technology changes so fast...