Hey Guys,
I'm pretty new to this forum but have been really admiring the huge amount of knowledge and amazing work you have all done, its very inspirational for me.
I'm currently studying photography at a technical college and have been shooting a lot of 120 and 4x5. I've really only been studying and shooting for about 100 hours working on 4x5's (using and only shot about 10 rolls of Velvia 120. Other than that my background was totally in digital photography before then. I know it probably sounds crazy but I'd like to make the jump straight to 8x20 and I have no clue what to expect. I'm at a total loss for decent information about shooting 8x20 or even 8x10.
I've got a budget of about $1000 AUD/USD. I'd really like to shoot on Velvia 50 if that's even possible..
Any advice from anybody would be greatly appreciated. I'm 20 years old and eager to learn everything I can and have great respect for this forum.
Thanks in advance guys