So, I went out on a limb and bought a Bausch and Lomb 305mm lens mounted in a Betax 5.
Hey, it was cheap and I figured it would be lighter than my 300 Symmar -S II copy. For the record, I was so very, very wrong. I'm now convinced there are no light 8x10 lenses, but that's another story for another thread.
Anyways, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of information out there, so I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this.
The lens says "Tessar Ic 305mm E.F. f/4.5," and has what I'd describe as a yellow dot, although maybe someone else would say gold -shrug-, over by the manufacturer's name.
Anyone have any insight to coverage, the significance of the dot (its not coating, the lens itself is uncoated), or other information (ie, I know that Kodak produced a Portrait Ektar tessar in 305mm/4.5, this isn't the same lens with a different name, is it?). Mostly trying to get a feel for the coverage of this guy.
Also, a suggested price for this guy, again in Betax 5, in very good condition would be nice. Mainly to see if I made a mistake or got lucky, as I'm always paranoid about buying a total, useless dog.