Quote Originally Posted by Ivan J. Eberle View Post
P.S. Long as I'm prognosticating, the break-through moment will occur 42 months from today when some maker posts an illustrated how-to for refilling Epson printer ink carts in order to do pin-registered multi-pass laying down of the photovoltaic and electrically-conductive inks on cleared Estar film base, which then must be heat-laminated in an autoclave made from a scrounged Jobo Expert Drum foot pump with the valving turned round backwards (to create a vacuum) in an Easy Bake Oven.
Brilliant prediction, but I humbly suggest that it will take more on the order of 44 months, since the upcoming ban on 100 watt incandescent bulbs is forcing a major redesign of the Easy Bake Oven, and this will surely lead to setbacks.