Hi all, I'm sorry that this thread is almost 3 years old but the title seemed right. I'm not sure how threads here work but I've got a question about this enlarger. I've searched a bit and haven't been able to find anything but purchasable manuals for this seemingly ancient enlarger (based on my short 26 1/2 years on this planet).

I have a Beseler 45M CRX that I bought from a local around my old university for around $50, but I am now looking for a place that I can use variable contrast filters. There is a small, thin door that's between the two pieces of glass that are between the light source and the negative carrier, but it's oddly curved near the back. Is this where the contrast filter would go? Does it need to be cut to fit the curve of enlarger light source?

I have some contrast filters for smaller enlargers, mostly for 35mm and maybe medium format enlargers too, but I really am not looking forward to purchasing larger contrast filters, especially if I'm going to have to tediously cut them to size.
