I used trix 320 for my DV trip because the only other thing hunts had was Tmax 100 and figured the ISO would be too low. And I had heard trix is great stuff, I've personally never used it. I was wondering what I should use to develop this stuff to get best results. I hear alot of people swear by D76 with Trix. I don't have any D76 but I have some Sprint developer and Adox Adonal, would I get better, worse, or similar results from either? All I can find online for kodak developer is TMAX, HC110 liquid, and D76 powder. I'd rather use liquid seeming thats what I've become accustomed to and I generally use up my chemistry within 6 months to a year.

Basically I want a decent tonal range without too much contrast (if possible). It was sort of bright in DV so I imagine the negs will be mostly contrasty anyhow. I'm also pretty partial to slower developments, 9 minutes plus.