Being somewhere between a beginner and an amateur, I wonder if anyone can point me in the direction of a comprehensive source of information that can, in details, describe how to control contrast in contact prints. I've read and serached forums on the internet andbought and read as many books I can get my hands on but, I often can't remember when and where I read something when I want to re-reference it (Uggh. Seems like yesterday I was just in college. This year I found out I have high cholesterol and need bi-focals. Good grief.) Anywho...

Looking for writings on waterbaths, print developer dilution schemes, bleaching, advanced dodging and burning techniques, etc.

Thanx much in advance,


FWIW, I shoot 8x10 Plus-X and TXP processed in ABC Pyro and print on Silver Chloride paper in Amidol.