Hi there

I'm new to the forum and was wondering if some kind soul could help out with some nagging questions on the use of Velvia.

My camera is usually loaded with Velvia but all I am really trying to do in the first instance is get my exposure right when using it. However, I want things to get a bit more creative than this and that is where my questions come in.

There is a shot by Joe Cornish of some rocks at a place called Dunraven Bay. The image is, I believe, in his first book First Light. In it, Joe explains that when he took the image that it was the middle of the day with not a cloud in sight. When he took the picture he knew that the Velvia would have a blue cast to it owing to the midday sun reflecting off of the rocks.

My question is therefore, so how do you know what colour cast your Velvia is going to do? I know that throughout the day the colour temperature of the light is changing. How can you equate this into your use of film?

Is it the case that if you were to shoot at midday each day then Velvia would leave a blue cast or is it not the case? What would it do early in the morning? In the evening?

Are my questions way to out there?

Thanks for any help. I look forward to reading the responses.