HP newbie-to-be is wondering how to go shutterless.

Recently my Indian-made Vageeswari Half Plate checked in. I had two shutterless lenses that I recently sold but while doing so, I got interested in using lenses like those.

Still have a Minolta F-Rokkor-QF 200/5.6 shutterless lens left Yesterday I spent some time getting that lens into a wooden lens board and hooked it up to the Vag, but I'm puzzled on how to go about with a shutterless lens...? It does not have an aperture either. Would probably have to conjure up some waterhouse stop system for it. I already found out that the two parts of the lens can unscrew and I might create black cardboard waterhouse stops to fit between them.

So, I'm looking for clues on calculating exposure with regards to aperture and bellows draw, and also timing those exposures (!?). Using my hat for a shutter? Dark cloth? Hand?

All tips and tools of the trade welcome, or direct me to an exsisting thread, I could not find one through forum search or Google...

PS: Not to worry. Fomapan still can supply HP sized 100ASA film and I will use an inlay behind the film to make up for the not-present glass surface so I'm good to go there.