I have a subscription to Popular Photo, given by well meaning friends. There is very little, however that I find relevant to my own pursuits though I do read it. The January 2004 issue arrived and I experienced a(to qoute Red Fox) "I'm a comin' Elizbeth!" kind of a siezure. After a year of being told and reinforced countless times that I am a sewer-dweller for not embracing digital, Pop Photo's editorial entitled "Film: It's Alive!!! 9 reasons film won't die" was a pleasant read that went nicely if strangely with a short in the "Snapshot" section by Herbert Keppler giving notice that Kodak Ektachrome production has left the USA for Guadalajara, Mexico and Xiamen, China, and asks the question how can Kodak warn about the dangers of "gray market" film when their film is, well, gray market to begin with? I happened to later venture into Mel Pierce's website where I found reference to a New York Times story announcing that Kodak has paid 250 million buck cash for Scitex Corp.'s digital printing unit----strange times, indeed!