As it seems common to start a portrait thread nearly every month, I will try to start one for June.

The photo below was taken on 06/09/2008 by the groom (me - god bless my lovely wife for her patience). Well - I composed and kindly ask our photographer (great guy - we had lot of fun during the session) to trip the shutter. I took 4 images - 2 color and 2 BW and this one turned to be the best.

For some reason it took me long to get to work on it - still to be printed.

Should you praise this photo enough I will also post a crop such that you can see that beautiful bride

[Tachi 4x5, tmax 400, Fujinon CM-W 125/5.6 @ f/8 (sometimes I remember things ...). In the background you see a wall from the castle in Zvolen (my hometown)]

(click on for larger version)