Sorry to post this message in the large format forum, but I think here are the p eople which know the answers.

I have to photograph an apartment about 50m2 in total size, bathroom, kitchen, l iving room, sleeping area, worker. the slide are needed for a brochure. as a portrait studio photographer I am not experienced in this type of work, i am using a Bronica 6x6cm SQAi, 80mm and 200mm, Polmagazin, up to 4 self-contai ned flash units (about 1000 WS). hopefully someone can help mi with some of my questions:

1) because i don't have any wideangle lens for this camera i have to rent one: w hich one should I rent, 40 or 50 mm

2) I have to shoot on slide film, which type brand should I get , should I rate the film differently? 3) which polaroid film should I use (mainly to check lighting), with the film ty pe you recommend? 4) what is the longest exposure time i can use with the films you recommend, to I have to compensate with longer times?

5) could you recommend any camera hight for e.g. "living room" to shoot from, sh ould I angle the camera slightly down or should I level the camera in both directions? 6) should i bring always something very close to the camera in order to show dep th?

7) should i stop the lens completely down f16, f22 if so i probably have to pop the flashes up to 4 or 8 times ? 8) anything else you think would be very important no to forget?

mfg kurt