Over the past summer, I scratched a long-standing itch to shoot 8x10 by acquiring a scruffy Toyo 810G with a bag bellows, five film holders, and a mint Agfa Repromaster 213mm process lens w/o a shutter. I also bought a few boxes of outdated Astia from Freestyle for about 50 cents per sheet (talk about a bargain!), but when I tried to order more last week, I learned that it's all gone now.

So, now I'm thinking about shooting Fuji CDU instead. I understand that there are some issues regarding color correction and determining the correct ISO, but if I can save ~$2/sheet compared to shooting Provia or Astia, then I'm willing to put up with them. Also, the fact that I've been shooting without a shutter has limited me to shooting early in the morning (alas, I don't yet have any ND filters), and since CDU is quite a bit slower than Provia/Astia, it'll let me to shoot later in the day without having to lay out yet more money for a lens with a shutter.

Before I buy a box of it to experiment with, however, I'm curious if there are any other options I might consider. Does every non-professional shooting 8x10 use B&W or is it simply a matter of sucking up and paying ~$7 sheet for film? I've also looked around for another source of outdated film, but everything I have found so far dates from the late '80s/early '90s and I'm leery of buying anything that's more than a year or two old ... any recommendations?