
In connection with my purchase of the Bushman Model D described in an earlier me ssage concerning the Voigtlander Heliar, I have the 127mm f/4.7 Kodak Ektar that comes with it.

Unfortunately, it looks like somebody messed around with the back element of the front group. The coating looks like somebody took a steel wool to it!!! I think it's pretty much ruined!

My very excellent dealer, Scott of National Camera Exchange in Minnesota, is so kind as to send me a Schneider Xenar 135mm f/4.7 as replacement.

Would anybody know this lens well, is it better or worse than the 127mm Kodak Ek tar? Would it do the trick of resolving leaves at miles away to the edge of the frame? In short, is it good enough as a standard lens rather than for special quaint occasions?

Thank you.



PS - I have been told that this message list is the golden depository of LF know ledge. It seems so!