Quote Originally Posted by Struan Gray View Post
[...] I can't imagine a photographer with a grown up relationship to the landscape around them not wanting to photograph such changes. [...] Sometimes the effects can be beautiful [...] and this is where I get my aesthetic kicks most strongly - the results are surprising, fascinating and awe-inspiring in equal measure.
Quote Originally Posted by ric_kb View Post
"So, what did you give the little old starving lady on the park bench?"
"f8 at a 125th" [from thread titled “How would you photograph this scene?”]
I find a chilling similarity in the two quotes above, and have often felt such a response myself.

To some LF photographers, a beloved landscape that dies will awaken new aesthetic impulses. In others, it might provoke a more social (or activist) impulse that competes with – and sometimes overshadows – the aesthetic one.

The best photographers, I think, are pushed and pulled in both directions.