Hello, everyone;
From about an hour north of DFW.
Just registered, though I have made the occasional lurk here for quite a while.

Christmas time found me spending some Gift money on a well used Omega 45D.
Basically got 2 good lenses at a very fair price (compared to ebay), and a camera with a leaky old bellows. funny how that works....

Film wise I also enjoy using Nikon F4, F100 and N80, along with a Pentax 645.
All of them are always loaded and ready for Bear Develop the B&W in the bathroom, in a not-so-terribly-scientific manner. Which leads to a few suprises
flat-bed scan mostly, but do have a Omega 45 universal enlarger in great condition. takes up half the bathroom. Wife hates it.

I am something of an old fart, with delusions of photographic granduer, so do bear with me at times