I went to Eggleston retrospective at the whitney on friday was thrilled by it. The prints were absolutely spectacular. I have always been a fan of his work and what he has done for color photography. The dye-transfer prints were simply beautiful.

The other interesting thing about this show was that it had nearly every type of print. The majority were his signature dye-transfers, but there were also c-prints, inkjet prints, lightjet prints, gelatin-silver prints, and even an iris print. As i started through the exhibit i kept thinking to myself, "how would digital prints stack up to these dye-transfers?" By the time i got through the exhibition i had my answer: very well. The exhibition demonstrated that each medium has its own strengths, although the dye-transfers did have a certain something about them. The only prints that i had a problem with were the larger-scale b&w lightjets. They were completely grain/pixel free, which was very impressive, but seemed to lack a richness that gelatin-silver prints have (although the g-s prints there were not great).

Anyway, any one in the ny area in the next few months should see the show, it does not disappoint.