OK time to throw one more fly in the ointment. A few decades back, noted (and very controversial) photographer, Robin Perry stirred things up while judging at a national exhibit of professional photographers. The 16X20 color photo in question was a beautiful view of the Grand Canyon. Mr. Perry's comment -- 10 points to GOD for the great subject -- 8 points to Kodak for the great film -- 8 points to the lab for good processing and printing -- but the photographer ----2 points at best. The photographer didn't manipulate or add anything other than to have stood where many had stood before him and made an proper exposure ( as would be the least expected of a professional). It made quite a stink at the time -- all the other judges were upset.

I guess it comes down to -- if it is for art -- anything goes. If it is for an ad for the "vacation spot" -- it darn well better look just like it is.