In the early 1980s I used 4x5 field and studio view cameras extensively.

Since that time, I have not used this type of equipment at all...about 15 plus y ears...I have forgotten much.

I recently acquired a fine vintage 5x7 camera with Schneider lens that I intend to use in the field and to produce high quality contact display prints.

My question: This is a somewhat large, heavy, cumbersome beast. I am not total ly sure how to haul it around. Obviously, I can not sling it around my neck. U sing it takes time and patience. I am able to keep it on the tripod, and balance it on my shoulder without too much discomfort.

I am thinking that this type of camera should be used only after the photographe r takes the time to scout out an area and predetermines the selected locations f or the Large Format image.

Does anyone simply roam around with an LF unit over their shoulder looking for p ossibilities or is it best to think through the potential photo sites before eve n bringing the LF system to potential photo site?

I recall Ansel Adams seeing a spot along the merced river, with a fine tree in t he foreground, for over a year before he even attempted a shot with his LF syste m, looking for the right time of the year and lighting.

How do YOU operate with your Large Format in the field? What are your methods a nd procedures? I would be most interested.

Thank you.