What are the attributes of a computer who's primary purpose is to work with digi tal images (e.g. 250megabyte scans) using Photoshop? I've been thinking about u pgrading my computer, and I want it to have the capability of digital. For exam ple:

Monitor: Screen size? Does one really need an ultra-high resolution monitor, o r an ultra-big monitor? It seems monitors that come with computers these days a re pretty good. What characteristics are important with respect to the monitor?

Graphics Card: How much memory? What kind of memory? How fast must it be? I' m not interested in a gaming graphics card and monitor, I'm interested in one de signed for still photography. What's important in the Graphics Card?

Memory: What kind of RAM, or SRAM, or RDRAM, or etc. How much? I would think about 512M for 250megabyte files.

Processor: It must be Intel. Is 1.6GHz enough? Are there special chipsets tha t one should have? Pentium IV is the most recent CPU. How much cache?

Mass Storage Device: I imagine a read-write CD.

I ask on this forum, because I'm sure there are other LF photographers who have vigorously pursued finding a computer for their photography. So, I'm asking ab out what kind of computer that can meet LF PHOTOGRAPHIC needs. And, customers ( i.e. LF Photographers) are the best judge of those needs.

Don't feel that responses need to encompass all of the above. If you have good info on a graphics card, the type of memory, etc., then your reponse on that por tion would be appreicated.

I hope I've asked a question that relavant to other photographers, as well as my self. I think the possibilities are really expanded by combining the best of di gital and silver, and I want to consider how I might explore those possibilities .