
I have in mind a large project photographing streetscapes in Jerusalem combined with a seperate and parallel project on street photography, etc.

Although I have been here for four months yesterday was the first time I'd actually got away from work to do any shooting. I took my DSLR in a walk around the Old City of Jerusalem 'scouting' out locations to bring my Gandolfi back for.

I found several ideas for photographs and snapped them from different perspectives so that I could go home and review which locations I would visit and when.

I had originally planned to shoot for a 4:5 format but the narrow alleyways made me think of cropping, I ended up cropping all the 'potentials' to 6X12 and I found that it worked far better than a 4:5 or 2:3 crop for these types of images.

I've never considered panorama before, never really appreciated it to be honest, but the format really seems to click with the images that I have in my mind.

Does anyone have any 6X12 street or city scapes to share, does anyone believe in pano as a format for the city?

A few snapshots taken with a 50mm on a 5D as I was walking along, cropped to 6X12 and IMO possibly worth following up and doing properly with LF.
