Hi Guys,
stumbled across the forum a few nights ago, and boy am I glad that I did!

I recently graduated from school, majored in Fine Art B&W, in which i shot almost primarily 4x5, and I also minored in Digital arts, in which i made Digitally printed negatives from scanned 120 and 4x5 and also digital captures. I eventually made Platinum's and cyanotpyes from them.

Hopefully being around here will get me motivated, as I regretably haven't shot much, besides weddings, since I graduated last June.

I was forced to get a full time job, which I work 60hours a week at, so there isn't too much time that I feel like shooting. Also I find it difficult to get back into things, because I moved back to an area that I can't really find a lab, or even a place to develop my negs.

I am planning on building a UV box in my back kitchen, along with hopefully a room to load/dev.

Well, enough rambling. Hopefully I will become inspired again!