Does anyone have any insight on the fact of the matter that digital is steadily becoming the choice of creating prints. I will be investing in an enlarger and l ens for personal use. I would like to stay with the traditional darkroom, and be sides, the digital equipment is very expensive. John Sexton says he does traditi onal because its the best quality, but as he also says, and I agree, its only a matter of time till that changes. My question really is, will there be a supply and demand for the chemistry/paper? Enough to keep this art going? I work in the commercial photography field, and I see the change. Many business's are ditchin g the wet darkroom for digital. Also using digital backs in the studio instead o f film, hence Polariod going bankrupt. The business I work for is having a tough time getting paper and chemistry. This is either because supply and demand is d own or because of Sept. 11. I don't know. Opinions appreciated. Thank You.