Happy New Year everyone. As today is a snow day here in Montreal (15 cm minimum), I've taken the time to re-evaluate my lens kit after having sorted all of my chromes for scanning. Having started in LF last April, I went on a lens purchasing rampage and ended up with the follwoing arsenal:

55 APO Grandagon
75/4.5 Grandagon-N
90/4.5 Grandagon-N
135 APO Sironar-S
210 APO Sironar-S
300 APO Sironar-S
120 Nikkor AM-ED

Having taken three major trips since then, I've been able to evaluate relative usage. Needless to say, each and every lens has been placed into action (which helps to ease the financial guilt somewhat). However, my most frequently used lens has been the 135 APO Sironar-S, followed by the 75mm and 210mm. In order to reduce weight, I'm thinking of replacing the 90mm and 135mm with the 110mm Schneider XL. Does this make sense? Does the 110XL compare favorably to the 135 Sironar-S and 90 Grandagon, both of which are ubersharp.