Ross - Don't jump to conclusions about the cost of an Ebony! At current exchange rates, Robert White lists the RW45 for only about $150 more than the Zone VI. It doesn't have quite the movements of the Zone VI, but they are ample enough for most landscape work. The RW45 will focus a 500mm lens (of telephoto design), and it actually weighs slightly less than the Zone VI.

I was also a user of the older Zone VI camera. It wasn't the most rigid camera to begin with, and while it was fine for the first year or so, everything just kind of loosened up over time until the thing was essentially worthless. Until very recently, a friend of mine had the ultralight. It was more rigid than I remember my Zone VI being, but it was starting to loosen up a bit as well. He was concerned enough about it that he sold it. This may be a problem with wood fields in general, as I had the same thing happen with the first wood field I purchased (a Wista, many, many years ago).

I came very close to purchasing an Ebony when I was last in the market. I looked at two models; the RW45 and the 45S, which is non- folding. They were by far the most rigid wood field cameras I've ever handled (though I've certainly not handled them all), and were very nicely designed. I ended up going with the Canham DLC (which I have been extremely pleased with), but there is no doubt that I'd have chosen the Ebony if I had ultimately decided to go with wood.

By the way, I took a look at your website. You've got some fantastic images there! No matter which camera you ultimately purchase, I suspect that you'll continue to prove your "artistry of a photographer" statement for a long time to come.