I assume you're trying to spot flash the area with your small flashlight. Ideally you would flash enough to be just under the paper threshold and then burn in the area with a low contrast filter. For small out of the way hot spots you can get away with flashing the area to a gray tone but probably not here. Or try to flash the whole sheet of paper instead of a spot area. This will hurt highlights some but may still be a good compromise. With your flashlight you can only control exposure but changing the time or distance from the paper. Make sure you keep the distance the same when trying different times or you will get all mixed up. Another method to flash is to cut a mask from a sheet of old paper so that only the area to be flashed is exposed. Move the mask slightly during the flash exposure. You can make the mask by putting the paper in the easel and drawing an outline for cutting. This saves the highlights outside the flashed area and works better than the flashlight for larger areas.