I was playiong around with my 35mm gear during the recent full moon and got clos e to a full-frame shot of it. It was a canon eos 600mm f4 with the 2x extender added. The 1200mm was still a little short and about a 1600mm to 2000mm would'v e worked best. Anyway, lets say I get the bug to shoot it in 4x5 next time I lo ok up and see a full moon. I can't imagine the size of the lens or a telescope adaptor that would allow me to do so. I know that macro is just a matter of bel lows extention, but what would be my procedure for a full-frame 4x5 moon shot? Since I'm just playing around with this and having fun shooting different things , I would like to hear if there is a best quality way AND a cutting corners chea p way to get it done...