Hello everybody,

I hope to be able to put together a little 4x5 kit around a Sinar F since I got a pretty good deal on one. What I am missing now are : lens board and film holders. That's why I wanted to ask the following questions :
1. Are ebay offers on 3rd party manufactured lens boards ok or shoud I look for a original Sinar lens board ( no DB lenses at least for now )?
2. What used holders for 4x5 are good/no problems ?
3. Are roll film holders of the type of the Calumet or Sinar Vario good ar should I look out for the Horsemann type ( the Sinar Vario is very expensive on the used market and would cost as much as camera + lens + tripod ) ?
Thanks, from a hopefully soon to be 4x5 shooter

Regards, Stefan