Good news for us film users.

Just received this from Jerry Deeney at Fuji Professional UK

Dear Friends

We have just launched a brand new website today called:

The site is entirely dedicated to photographers that shoot on film. It will
offer film photographers a community to show off their images and discuss
all things film, be able to buy 'out of date' and 'short dated' stock, buy
and sell camera equipment and suggest and seek out dusty little back street
shops that sell film cameras.

There are more web functionality options to come, and as you will see we
have a bit of a 'chicken & egg' situation, so all sections are looking a
bit empty at the moment, as we have literally only just gone live.

Please sign up today. All sign ups are automatically entered into our prize
draw to win £200 worth of Fujifilm Professional film of your choice and a
host of choose film goodies that include t-shirts, badges, stickers and our
very own choose film branded beer!

If you are at Focus-on-Imaging at the NEC in Birmingham this weekend/next
week, please do come and join us on the Fujifilm stand where we will be
launching the choose film website and drinking some choose film beer.

Please spread the word to anyone you know that shoots on film.

Many thanks

Looks like those making it to Focus will have to make at least one refreshment stop to their stand there!

I think we should commend Fuji for making this initiative.