Hi, I'm new to posting here- although I have been checking this site for years..

I shot 8x10 for about a year before moving to a place where I barely had room to sleep, let alone have a darkroom. At the time I put photography on hold, I was using Efke 50 or 100, developing with Sandy's pyrocat-HD in a Jobo CPP2, and contact printing with AZO.. I was getting fairly decent results, but had a long way to go. So now that I've been out of it for 2 years, I'm a little intimidated to just take up using my old Developer/paper combo.. So my question is this, what other combinations would be helpful in getting some technique back and where can I find info??

I can handle the Efke and pyro I believe.. But amidol and Azo is kind of a jump for a born again super-newbie.. Sorry about the muddled post, but I've been confused for a week now