I'm having a devil of a time with wavy, streaked areas on my 8x10 negatives. It happened on one negative with a nice sky darkened by a red filter. Some of the n icest shadow detail I've captured in bright sunlight. But I can look at the emul sion side and see streaks that run the length of the film. If the area is in the sky, it is visible. Sometimes it's not objectionable, but usually it is. In one shot, it showed up in an area that looked natural. Fortunately, it didn't happe n on 2 other negatives with big sky. Here's my darkroom routine: - HP5 shot at ASA 100 developed in Pyro PMK. One sheet of film per tray holding a liter of developer. - Strong agitation for 10-15 seconds every 30 seconds. - Water bath for 30 seconds. - T4 Photographer's Formulary fixer for 3 minutes. - 2 minutes in washing agent. - 20 minutes wash. - No photo flo. Air dry, which usually takes about 12 hours. I stopped using foto flo, thinking that was my problem. Now I may try skipping t he washing agent. If this is not a developing problem, maybe I can get rid of th e streaking by toning in selenium, but maybe that would make it worse. Any suggestions?