I have been making images since the tender age of 4. I became quite adept at rendering what I see, in the real world as well as my twisted little mind, decades ago, long before discovering photography. I used to think photo exhibits were simply for those who wished to be artists, but couldn't draw. I find this to be true in many cases, but typically among photographers who want to make art, as opposed to artists who use cameras to make art, i.e. as simply another tool for making pictures. I have, however, cultivated a great deal of respect for my arbitrarily contrived categories...it's damned hard to make a good, black and white image!

Ok...to the point. Am I the only one here who thinks film capture+digital output is the best of both worlds? Am I the only one who actually PREFERS glossy ( and semi-gloss) paper to matte? Am I the only one who is offended when a gallery snob remarks that my images were "made by a computer", as if it were some means of approximating the taste of strawberry in a popular soft drink? Am I the only one who thinks a scan of a 645 b/w neg made with a lowly (HA!) Pentax blows away anything I've seen (strictly in terms of image quality, mind you) from a 1DS Mark-whatever, D2X, or what have you?

And am I the only one who wants to slam my Teutonic super kamera "upside the head" of the omnipresent slobbering man in the street who wants to strike up a conversation with me (when I am shooting!!!) by referring to my Hasselblad as a "Mamiya", "box camera", "antique" or "old school camera"--or worse yet, asking me if it is digital????? Or if it still works???

Finally, am I the only one who,when every thing falls into place when shooting 8x10...wonders why the hell he bothers with any other format?

Sorry...I've had a long, arduous day...I'll go to my room now.