I reside in San Antonio Texas. To me a camera is a tool, much like a hammer. I do a lot of digital at this time. 35mm to 11X14 film cameras are the range of tools I work with. I am quite taken by optics. Silver gelatin, Platinum, Palladium, Van Dyke Brown, Cyanotype, Liquid Light and Polaroid Transfer.
I am trying out this forum because I am looking for new areas for discussion. Most boards/forums are not vary satisfying.
I do vary good to exceptional images. If it looks a certain way it is because it was intended. I am hopping to find people who are interested in content and vision.
I am extremely comfortable with large format cameras and their use and application. I use optical bench, bed and press style cameras. There is little that I have not worked with or have not done.
Now to go figure out the profile part. I hate computers but love what they can do. Both of my cats refuse to have anything to do with them.