Quote Originally Posted by ic-racer View Post
You can easily get into really long exposure times with f-stop timing. For example if you need to increase a one-second exposure by 60 stops, your exposure will be longer than the estimated history of the universe.

log2(436117076600000000) = 58

I said in my previous post the increase in densitiy with longer exposures is "within limits". The point is, it doesn't matter if you mesure in seconds or f-stops. There will be some point in exposure time where you get the maximum density the paper is capable to achieve. There will be no more silver in the paper to be converted. After that, any longer exposure time is a waste of time.

And IMHO for getting maximum densities, at least with current chemistry and available photo papers, the amout of time involved I think is a little shorter than the estimated history of the universe.

kind regards