A friend of my family was over at our house recently and he knew that I was into photography. He is a younger guy and has only done digital photography.

I showed him some of my large format 4x5 and 8x10 Velvia, Provia, and Ektachrome chromes on my LED light tablet, and his eyes popped out of his head.

It was fun to watch someone who has never seen a large format chrome try to process what they are looking at.

He asked me if it was possible to print a color image on Pictorico transparency film and, if so, if it would look like my large format slides.

I told him I honestly don't know the answer to that, but I would be happy to ask the group here to see what I could find out.

My photography is 100% analog, and I only have a notebook computer for email and research.

If you have any experience or first hand knowledge of trying to print color images on transparency film using a photo printer, I would appreciate your thoughts about that. I can't imagine they could look anything like my large format slides, but I have no idea. He said he has an Epson P 800 printer.

Thank you.