I am an analog photography amateur living in Portugal, with some ocasional incursions in 13 X 18 studio photography. This my first post and I am asking the help from members who might be familiar with Large Format cameras made in Italy. I have a LF camera made by “La fotomecânica C. Lupo” , from Torino. The “La Fotomeccanica C Lupo” made several LF cameras (models “Victoria”, “Aldina” , “Studio 7” ) until the early sixties. All seem to use 13 X 18 negatives (this needs to be confirmed). This is the model I have

It will be difficult, or impossible, to restore it to its original form, due to the unavailability of important missing parts. It may also have been subject to changes by previous owners.
So I may try to rebuild an hybrid LF camera adapting parts from other cameras (or making those parts, if possible). Before I start the project I would like to know some details from the original model
The first questions I would like to be answered (if possible with pictures) are :
What is precisely the model that I have ? What lens / lenses were used in this camera ? How was the procedure to insert/remove the negative holders ? What negative holders were used ?
If you can suggest some Italian web resources (large format photo websites, Italian clubs, or associations, etc) where I can ask for more information, that would be great. Language will not be a problem , I can understand written Italian.
Thank you in advance for your input Regards