Hello! After reading some of the posts about Light Zone, I've been giving it a try. Since my self-education has been centered around the Zone System for B&W photos, I have found it enjoyable to use. I've been using Elements 2 and Hidden Power for curves at present, though it doesn't handle 16 bit scans from my scanner for the 4x5 TMax I use.

Before I purchase it, I have a question, if anyone has experience with Light Zone and can guide me. I'm having trouble with the The Clone Tool. I always have touch-up spotting work to do with my scans for dust, etc., though I can minimize that with carefu prep of the negative and scanner glass. However, when spots are present, drawing a region around each speck to be cloned over with Light Zone seems inefficient compared to Elements.

Is there a way for Light Zone to preset region size for cloning and the location from which to clone as is done in Elements? I've been importing the file to Elements for spotting work as I have been trying out Light Zone since I haven't figured out an easy way to do it in Light Zone. Best regards.
