Possible controlling images back in the film days might have been a bit easier as the single frame of film can be controlled to some degree by holding with some degree of control "the" physical item/object. This has completely changed due to the nature of data/"information" and data based images as data can be transmitted, flexed and much more in ways previously not possible.

~Or why information can be monetized and gained monetary/material value..

Curious times ahead for images, moving images and more...

Quote Originally Posted by jnantz View Post
I know. LOL. laws, police, all of that is to protect capital, it has nothing to do with regular people.

I've worked for people who are thieves and cheats and they are slicker than a greased pig in a mud patch (the laws worked for them).
Getting back to the AI thing, if it is 10,000 different swatches that are melded together to form new images there is no way copyright law is going to be able to help anyways, it's a joke.
I would venture to guess than very few people on this website, other photography specialty websites like photo.net, folks who post images on instagram, flicker Facebook &c even bother to register their work,
with the copyright office so even if it was used to make one of these AI composites they don't have a legal leg to stand on without the registration.
... besides if you read the fine print, technically if someone posts work to Facebook or Instagram it becomes the property of Meta, and they register don't register it either.

probably less trouble to have a algorithmic shoot anyways, models are always on time, never complain, and aren't full of themselves .. and you don't have to deal with property owners set designers lighting crews &c. who cares if it's all "photographic illustration" that's all photography is anyways ..