I'm looking to add a 240mm-250mm focal length to my 4x5 set-up and these two lenses have my attention. I primarily photograph the landscape, so 1:1 performance is not a priority. I like to explore the differences in perspective given by modest changes in focal length, and either of these two lenses would slot nicely between my Nikkor M 200.9 and M 300/9.

The Fujinon W 250/6.7 currently seems a bit "scarce" on the used market. Interestingly, the Fujinon A 240/9 appears more available, but excellent copies are more expensive than the less prevalent W 250/6.7.

What are the pros and cons of these two lenses? Is one superior compared to the other? Sharpness? Contrast?

The specs say the 250/6.7 has a 398mm image circle, which is larger than the A 240/9 363mm image circle. For my 4x5, I believe both have plenty of coverage for movements.

Any comments are appreciated. Thank you.