
I'm new to LF but have experience in 35mm and MF, also in developing these films and printing. I have a darkroom with 2 Durst enlargers that go up till 6x7.
I wanna take the next step and get into LF. I'm wondering if I should get into 4x5 first or just skip that and go straight to 8x10. 4x5 would allow me to scan the negatives with my epson scanner, but since I don't have a 4x5 enlarger, and I really like the printing process, I'm afraid I won't get 'hooked'. The format more portable than 8x10 and probably much cheaper as well.
On the other hand, 8x10 would give me contact prints of decent size, would allow me to get into wet plate stuff and other nifty things like polaroid 8x10's. I really dig the 8x10 look which imho is much more special than 4x5. Any advice? Would 8x10 be too difficult to make the jump straight from Medium size?
What if I want to make larger prints later on? How difficult is it to make your own 8x10 enlarger, let alone finding one which doesn't cost an arm and a leg?

Feedback and mentorship are much appreciated.

Thanks and stay safe in these corona times,