Hello! With assistance from this forum, I'm slowly learning a bit about digital scanning and image processing for 4x5 B&W images. Before I pay $1000 for a current Epson scanner and photoshop, I'm learning with my Microtek 5900 and Elements 2.0 with The Hidden Power of Elements added to give me Curves, etc.

I was wondering what image processing techniques folks find that they use on most of their digital images. For example, setting the black and white and midtone points, spotting for negative defects, and probably some sort of curve adjustment.

Do most folks find edge darkening beneficial? Ansel Adams always seemed to use this and the folks who print articles in View Camera Magazine seem to add this.

How much burning and dodging do folks find they often do in image processing?

Are there any other steps that folks find they often use in digital image processing?

Other than spotting for negative defects, what types of local adjustments on an image are often used? Thank yo and best regards.
