
I searched the archives, but did not find the exact answer I was looking for, so I was hoping somebody here would have an advice about equipment, and locations.

My wife & I are going to Hawaii for the first time for 1 week in several weeks. We will be spending most our time in/around Honolulu. I was wondering what gear/film I should bring along. I am currently thinking about taking my Toyo 45AII, 72mm, 90mm, 150mm 210mm lens, along with a 6x9 roll film holder, and assorted accessories (filters, meters). Also I was planning on taking my Mamiya 645, with two backs, 45, 80, and 210mm lens. My color film will be Velvia 100 and Asita. For BW, I am debating between Ilford FP4, and Acros 100. (Also have TXP in the freezer as well) I would like to standardize on one film. I have never been to the tropics before, and not sure which film would be the best under the circumstances.

We are planning to do the general tourist stuff, Pearl Harbor, etc. If any one has any suggestions about locations (especially waterfalls, scenic beaches, etc) or about my equipment load please let me know. Part of me is debating if I should leave the Toyo or the Mamiya behind and stick with only one system.

As always any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Niigata, Japan