Quote Originally Posted by AJ Edmondson View Post
Nice looking enlarger James... if memory serves me, you should be able to use the cams with other lens brands of the same focal length but may have to adjust the focus slightly (most of the experience I had was that I almost always did some "tweaking" but the cams were useful in that the "gross-adjustment" - for lack of a better term - accompanying a change in enlargement was done by the AF feature. I wouldn't hazard a guess on the third one other than to say that I would give it a try with the 50mm that was with the enlarger. I will check my "treasure chest" tomorrow and see if I still have some negative carriers... I seem to recall a 35mm and a 4x5... as previously noted, many of us hoarded negative carriers and I can't even recall how many different enlargers I went through over the course of sixty years.
Hi Joel, Thanks for the info and for looking for carriers. I would def be interested. Shoot me a PM with what you find and a price.