I live in Australia and I bought the 80 mm SS XL in December 2002. Eight months later it developed fogging in the front element exactly as you guys have described. It was sent back to Germany and came back repaired. Nine months after this the fogging reappeared again. Again the lens was repaired. Because of two repairs I lost confidence in using the lens, so it then spent most of its time stored in a dehumidity cabinet that I bought because of this problem. Could not be better protected. I took it out in January to see if it's fine - I could not believe my eyes. After being stored in a prefect environment for over 12 months it had again fogged up. I am a professional cinecameraman and have literally dozens of high quality lens stored in an upstairs dry attic. Over the decades not one other lens has ever developed moisture in it at all, and none have been stored in a dehumidifier cabinet.

This third time I knew there was something wrong so I searched the forums and came accross you guys. Thank goodnes for forums because I would have believed it was all my fault and the lens would have never seen any use. What a waste!! The lens is now back in Germany. I am demanding a new lens, but I am still waiting Schneider's reply. Hopefully you guys can lend me some support in the problems you have had with this lens.

Wonder how many others who are out there, blaming themselves for the moisture occuring in their 80mm? I will certainly keep you posted on the outcome of my dealing over this.