Since the mid 1970s, have been a practicing advocate of ultra light weight backpacking, mostly here in New England with its rare stretches of level ground, for the most part up and down hills and "mountains". Mt. Katadin in Maine is 5,267 feet high and in the past was only able to top it in between passing thunderstorms because of only carrying an ultra-lite daypack. For years carried only a Olympus XA-4 (35mm) and an Agfa Isolette (120). When I wanted to combine my love for backpacking with my love for LF photography, ran into a big problem... I really did not want to use a minimalistic light weight 4x5 system. Beside that, my favorite formats were whole plate and 8x10, and neither of these formats came anywhere near being close to a lightweight 3 lens 4x5 system.

Had to change my modus-operandi... no more multi-day backpacking adventures. Day hikes to photo destinations became the norm. A f/64 backpack worked out great in holding all my equipment, and a few more essentials. Typically carry the WP or the 8x10 Chamonix camera, 3 lenses, and everything else in the f/64 backpack. Tripod over the shoulder with a walking stick in the other hand. Tried attaching the tripod to the f/64 but just couldn't get it right.

Was wondering how others have dealt with using LF equipment off the beaten path. Pretty much have given up on using ULF equipment (11x14 in my case) any further that a short walk from my car... towing a wheeled cart on most of the rocky trails in New England is not just a doable/viable option.

Comments really welcome on this subject... Would love to know how others have dealt with hauling LF and ULF equipment way, way past the trailhead. Have yet to find a backpack suitable to haul my 11x14 Chamonix with 3 lenses, 2+ film holders, and more. Weight of the 11x14 outfit I'm sure I could handle, but again have yet to find a backpack capable of carrying the 11x14.
