As I am returning to more and more LF shooting, I realized that I don't like constantly re-mounting a lens (namely my 305 GClaron) from one board to another and back again... And yes, I know there are solutions to avoid it but I have yet to find a sinar to graphic(toyo field) adapter so that I could use a lens on both my Toyo metal field (half plate) and my Tachi 8x10.
Anyway, since my other two lenses for 8x10 are of a vintage persuasion (the WA velostigmat and a 19in artar) I've been thinking about adding something of similar age / character in between them - like a commercial Ektar. But to find one on this side of Atlantic is not very easy. But surely, I thought, there must be a plenty of lenses that were produced here and are lying somewhere on the shelves...
So my question is, what might be a good alternative to good old sort of "everyday" 8x10 lenses for mainly landscape/architecture/general use somewhere in the reagon 12-14 inches (300-350mm)?

Of course there is plenty of modern 300mm plasmats, but I'd prefer something lighter / more compact.

Thank you!