Sometimes we pass by a place and think I will take a picture of this one day. But one day never comes and the scene is destroyed or changes or we never return.

So this thread is one of words only, no images. Try to describe that image you should have taken , intend to take, or missed. This is not for staged fantasy but real life places/objects, and the emotions they evoked. You can get poetic if you wish in the description and try to convey a sense of place.

The old gas station is a landmark just off a corner crossroad near my home. it was once a local country gas and convenience store in the middle of an area with thriving horse paddocks and cow pastures. Suburbia has encroached on this area and filled it with subdivisions, strip shopping centers, and big box stores. I pass it every afternoon around 5:00 which allows me to see it in different light through out the year. In winter the sun will emit a light orange hue on the white stucco and the old rusty pump turns a brilliant orange brown. A crepe myrtle that was once lovingly pruned and tidy now stands 10 feet above the roof line but its twisted base casts intricate shadows on the walls. Recent road work has torn up the old parking area and even the roof that once covered the pump has now collapsed and been hauled away. Construction debris, broken concrete, and staging materials now clutter the stations surroundings. Grass has grown high in the now broken sidewalk. I had planned to photograph this station one day when clouds would tower above it, but it has lost its nostalgic charm and will likely be torn down and replaced with another strip shopping center.

There is an old gas station I want to photograph.