Has anybody experience buying photo stuff in Japan through this site photojpn.org/istore/proxy.php ? Is this reliable? (He requires payment in advance). Or another option?

Background: I have bought a 6x9 Nagaoka, which is an early design with very limited movements and a back designed for plates only. The amount of restoration it will need is not yet clear (camera is on its way to Richard Ritter for evaluation.) When I bought it, I believed it could not be had new any more, and therefore I was willing to stretch far to get it in good working condition. Now I have learned that Nagaoka is still in production. So I might be better off buying a new one - if I can.

According to the list of vendors found on photojpn.org, Gin-ichi www.ginichi.com/ seems to be the sole exporter for Nagaoka. Unfortunately, they have not responded to my e-mail.

Thank you for your answers.