I picked up an old brass lens recently that has no markings at all beyond "Enterprise" engraved on the focusing mount. It barely covers 4x5, and is around 6" focal length. The focusing mount has about 1" of travel; the lens is 4" overall with about 3.5" between the lens elements; front and rear elements are both approximately 1.5" diameter.

Does anyone have any information about this lens? Has anyone used one or a similar lens? A Google search has been worthless, since "Enterprise" is such a common word. I'm guessing it'll perform better than a pinhole, but maybe not by much.

Also, the lens doesn't have a slot for Waterhouse stops. Can someone explain why? And is there any way to add stops? Behind the lens, perhaps? I'll hang this on my Speed Graphic, so at least I won't need a shutter.

Thanks, David