I'd like to automate my Jobo a bit and was wondering if I should use inox or pvc for the material in contact with the chemicals. Inox I can have laser cut, I can weld it (hope it will be tight), it has a good thermal conductivity, reasonably easy to obtain sheet, tubes bolts and bits in it. But I have to treat it after welding. On the other hand, pvc is a lot easier on the tools, can be glued without problem, probably cheaper but it has a lousy thermal conductivity, I'll have to cut and shape everything myself (to measure and fit if I glue) and likely harder to find around here.

So what would be best?

My first idea was to have the water bad in pvc as it is straight flat sheet that can be glued. And the rest in inox for the conductivity and inertness. But then I'll have joints where the inox runs through the pvc.